Brad & J’s Christmas Stimulus 2009!

Brad & J's Christmas Stimulus 2009
Are you ready for the biggest giveaway yet?! The most awesomest festival of love, ever?! Well today’s your day lucky badgers – Welcome to the first annual Christmas Stimulus!!! A special $300 cash giveaway just for YOU, courtesy of your boys J. Money & Brad Chaffee :)

Yup, we’re emptying our pockets to help 2 lucky winners get a boost this holiday season and we couldn’t be more excited! This is an absolutely no-strings-attached deal and our way to give back to YOU – the beautiful & engaging readers of both our blogs. Every day you show up with open arms and you inspire us to keep on going, and we appreciate that. Every last comment, email, and tweet from you guys helps us to keep on blogging & spreading the good word. Without you, we’d just be two random ramblers typing away into a void of interwebs ;) So from the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU!

The Christmas Stimulus starts today, and all you have to do to enter is leave a comment with your answers by Saturday @ midnight. We’ll then select the winners via on Sunday, and post up the winners of both contests next Monday – the start of the Christmas week! (and subsequently the same week of a certain person’s 30th bday! yikes… ) Ready to roll? Here we go…

What are you thankful or this holiday season? Your friends? Family? A debt-free year? Tell us in the comments and you’ll be entered to win a $150 Visa Gift Card from Budgets Are Sexy! Again, entering is easy:

  1. Tell us what you’re thankful for.
  2. Leave some way for us to contact you.
  3. Check back next Monday to see who won!

Then when you’re done with that, head on over to the Enemy of Debt and answer Brad’s question of the week – What are two financial goals you resolve to complete in 2010? You rock that out and you’ll be entered to win yet *another* $150 Visa gift card! Compliments of the guy who thought up this whole giveaway himself ;) (and someone I admire very, very much)

We’re really proud to be a part of all your lives, and we sincerely hope this helps with some of your bills or present buying this season. We’ve all got things to be thankful for, and we hope to continue this new tradition of ours for years to come! If all goes as planned, next year’s will be even bigger!!!

So get to it! Drop the comments and enter to win TWO $150 Visa Gift Cards!

UPDATE: Thanks for participating everyone! The contest is now closed.
UPDATE 2: For some reason all the entries from SATURDAY are not posting here, but I assure you I DID get them emailed to me (all comments get to me, even if they don’t post correctly here at times). ***We had a total of 215 entries!!!*** Most. Ever. Stay tuned for tomorrow’s winner, and then the winner over at Enemy Of Debt too ;) Best $150 I’ve ever given…(only $150 I’ve ever given actually! haha…)

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  1. J. Money December 9, 2010 at 9:01 PM

    Man, this is sad… it’s like no one was thankful last year!! haha… damn Blogger wouldn’t send over the comments to WordPress during our conversion… I wanted to be reminded of all the love! Y’all had some good ones.