Sexy Saver Certificate – A Present from Me, to You.

Dear online family,

It has been almost 3 4 full months since i’ve launched this blog, and you guys are still reading it!

Can you believe we’re now at 21 39 108 current subscribers?! ROCK ON. And that’s just the subscribers, there are a good 40+ 150 200 people each and every day checking it out. THANK YOU all so very much! You all sure do know how to have a sexy time ;)

It has been a pleasure reading all of your comments, bouncing around all of your blogs, and just posting when the thoughts hit me. Not to mention the motivation it gives me to keep being Mr. Frugal!

If you would allow me to do so, it would be a great honor to give you back a little somethin’ somethin’ in return. I hope it will give you long lasting fortune, and remind you to pat yourself on the back every now and then for being so financially savvy. You could even hang on your wall, and cherish it forever! haha… So, from me to you, please to enjoy:

[click to enlarge – save to desktop – and print! or download here]

Now remember, you *must* hang it on your wall to intercept all forms of financial luck. haha…actually, that’s a lie. you have to hang TWO of these on your wall for good luck ;)

Before I go, I’d also like to give a shout out to my pf bloggers who continue to send traffic my way. You guys are freakin’ awesome and i continue to learn from ya! Here are my consistent top referrals:
*Krystal at work, *Chicky Finance, *DINK’S Finance *Change can be a Good Thing, *Saving 4 Later, *Always the Planner, *My Crazy Debt

Thank you – Thank you – THANK YOU! I love each and every one of you (even those reading this for the first time. yup, i love you too). You are one VERY $exy group of people!

God bless, and come again.

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