T-Mobile pumps out a $10/month land line plan!

Man, competition is getting fierce! Fine by me though.
I’m all for consumer goodness :)

So here’s the deal, i got an email last night from a rep saying they’re launching this “T-Mobile @ Home” plan today and thought it would be good to get the word out.

And, since i’m always a fan of saving money as well as new technology out there, I agreed! So, from me to you, here is my first piece of Breaking News :) unless you’ve heard it earlier, in which case it won’t be *as* exciting, but it’s nonetheless breaking news. so there.

Here’s a clip from the email i got:

Tomorrow (Today) is the nation-wide launch of T-Mobile’s $10/month home phone service called T-Mobile @Home. The service offers a simple way to cut costs for families who want to keep the convenience of having a home phone, rather than just carrying a mobile phone.

It also includes unlimited national calling! Cool huh? The only down side is that you’ll need to have a T-Mobile cell phone plan already in order to take advantage of it, and also pick up one of their routers ($49.99 w/ a 2 year contract). But, perhaps you already use them or plan to soon anyways?

The real question, though, is if you even USE a land line? I know plenty of people who have scrapped it long ago, and use their cell phone for everything. I haven’t done so myself, but only because my signal is pretty weak there. That, and I already have one of those 3 in one Comcast plans that covers phone, internet, and cable (It’s Comcastic! haha…. now THOSE are funny ads).

But if you’re paying $30-40 a month for a land line anyways, then you’ll be saving mad money for sure. As long as you can get out of that contract okay!

So while there are plenty of things to think about before signing up, it’s definitely a sexy step in the right direction for sure. I guarantee it won’t be long until the other carriers catch up to the idea and put something out themselves!

If you’re interested, here’s a pdf on it for more info :)

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