Vote Now for Your Favorite Financial Bloggers!

Plutus Awards finalistThe nominations are in!! And your boy slithered into 9 categories! THANK YOU SO MUCH :)

But whether you like this blog, or the dozens of other finalists in the awards (All *great* ones btw), definitely make sure your voice is heard. Everyone works so hard at these, and it’s always nice to feel a little love. It’s our very own personal finance awards!

Here are some of the categories I got nominated for:
— Most Humorous Personal Finance Blog
— Best Personal Finance Blog: One Author
— Best Personal Finance Blog for Generation Y or X
— Best Designed Personal Finance Blog

THANKS everyone!! Glad you still enjoy the site ;) Cast in your final votes here.

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  1. Ashley @ Money Talks September 4, 2011 at 4:36 PM

    Yay!!! 9 awards! You rock. I can’t believe I got nominated, it’s such a huge honor. Amazing.

  2. J. Money September 4, 2011 at 4:41 PM

    I’m pretty sure I voted for you too! I don’t think ours crossed :) Or maybe I Nominated you for one of them? I did something, I know that. Haha…

  3. Ashley @ Money Talks September 4, 2011 at 4:49 PM

    No, our nominations didn’t cross. I don’t think you would get a nomination for best-kept secret. haha. And thanks for your support!!! much love.

  4. jolie September 4, 2011 at 5:28 PM

    Proudly voted. Thanks for the great reads J.

  5. Shannyn September 4, 2011 at 6:34 PM

    Ya, Budgets Are Sexy is truly not a secret, hahaha. Congrats to all the Finalists…I am thrilled that so many of my favorite blogs made the cut (and pretty darned psyched my little blog made it for Best Frugality Blog!)

    Best of luck and see you soon at FINCON11! :)

  6. J. Money September 4, 2011 at 10:54 PM

    Yeah!! FINCON11’s gonna be off the hook. Make sure to GET THEIR EARLY on Friday so you can join our service project! We (Love Drop) are partnering up and running it :) Come hang out and make care packages for those with Cancer! We’ll even feed you afterwards :)

    All the details are here:

  7. Jonha (@jonharules) September 5, 2011 at 12:10 AM

    All of the nominations are great but my vote goes o BudgestAreSexy. I think it has got to do with the Sexy word or I’m simply biased ;) EnemyofDebt are Frugal Beautiful are my favorites too :)

  8. CrystalH September 5, 2011 at 9:13 AM

    Good Luck J Money-I just voted!!! I’m so glad I’m fortunate enough to have found your blog!

  9. J. Money September 5, 2011 at 1:51 PM

    Thanks!!! I’m fortunate enough to have kick ass readers :)

  10. Million Mile Secrets September 6, 2011 at 5:08 PM

    That’s awesome! Now just bring some trophy’s back home!

  11. Jen @ Master the Art of Saving September 6, 2011 at 5:31 PM

    Woooo hoooo! Congrats on being a finalist, IN 9 CATEGORIES, that’s freakin’ awesome. :-D

  12. Elle September 6, 2011 at 7:26 PM

    Congratulations. You’re one of my top five personal finance bloggers. Keep up the good work!

  13. J. Money September 7, 2011 at 2:25 AM

    @Million Mile Secrets – I’ll do my best, sir! I wonder if they make “blogging” trophies? That would be hot!
    @Jen @ Master the Art of Saving – Thanks Jen!! Cuz all my lovely readers are nominating/voting for me :) I’d be lost w/out y’all. (and also, bored – it’s never fun writing to a wall, haha…)
    @Elle – Aww, thanks! That means a lot Elle :) Have a blessed week!

  14. Ben @ BankAim September 9, 2011 at 5:29 PM

    J. Money! Voted your blog a few times! I really love your blog the most.. your writing style makes for an easy read. Hope you win!

  15. J. Money September 10, 2011 at 5:07 PM

    Thanks Ben, appreciate it :)