Ohhh how I love me some Taxes!!! Just got ’em back…

it's tax season, baby!Getting $6k back from the G. to the O. to the V. Comma T.! That’s one hefty sandwich if you ask me ;) And yeah i know – I gave an interest-free loan the entire time and it’s not “free” money as I like to say. But i wouldn’t give up this feeling for jack.

It seriously feels like the first time i …uhh…. made nice w/ a young lady friend ;) haha…okay, maybe not *that* good, but still on the list of Top 5 methods to make me smile! And to think I could be so lucky to receive such amount every single year..man…..makes a brotha shed tears, ya know?

So now we have the happy problem of DOING something with it all. Shall we pay off some debt? Sock it all away? Split it up? I think the plan is to do some of each:

  1. The Mrs. will get $2,000 to do as she pleases. This will probably go towards her future mortgage portions and/or college fees if I had to guess. I’m trying to get her to blow $100 or $200 on some new clothes and accessories (one of her favorite “wishes” to do), but I doubt she’d be up for it these days.
  2. Mr. J. Money will also get $2,000 to do as he pleases! And you wanna know the first thing I’m gonna do w/ it? Pay off the rest of my auto loans @ $1400! Not even gonna give it another thought either – just gonna pay it off like a pull of a band-aid ;) I already know i’m gonna miss the hell out of it, so figured I’ll suck it up first thing. And for the remaining $600? Throwing it in my personal savings account and forgetting about it. I’m all about hoarding cash these days (as you may have noticed from my non-bday $ spending)
  3. The “house savings” will get about $1800. If you recall, this is the account where all leftover money goes after all bills and expenses are paid for every month. We use it as a budget-fixer on the months we go over, as well as a fund for anything extra we wanna do like upgrades to the house or vacations and what not.
  4. And the rest ($170) will go to our CPA. Definitely costs more than filing them ourselves, but totally worth the stress avoided & other niceties that comes along with it ;) Not to mention the support we’d receive if we’re ever audited – which I think we’re actually safer from since we USE a CPA? Not 100% on that one, but I’m sure it has some truth to it.

That about sums it up for this year. We brought in a good $2k more than last year’s taxes, so I guess getting married and owning your home DOES get you somewhere ;) So how about you all? Any plans if you’re getting some back too?

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