I did something this weekend I haven’t done in a very long time: I splurged. Twice ;) I had no intentions of actually doing so (isn’t that always the case?), but I gotta admit I felt pretty damn alive in both cases!
One of the things I’ve been trying to work lately is going with the flow and accepting new adventures whether it costs a lot of money or not.ย I’d never go totally overboard and just wipe out my entire financial game plan or anything like that, BUT I will spend more than I’m comfortable with if it means I get to try out something new and get that “rush” that’s been harder and harder to achieve lately – mainly because I keep trying more and more stuff out and having to top it! Haha… and since I rarely spend any money anyways on top of the usual monthly bills, this is a luxury I’m fortunate enough to have when opportunities decide to show up :) (I owe it all to you, budgeting!!)
But enough about my excuses… Let’s talk about my new outfits for my feet! As you can see from the picture at the top, we’re merging a little country with a little modern up in hurrr this week. None of which probably goes with my mohawk! Haha… Check it out:
Opportunity #1: The chance of being a cowboy! I didn’t get the horse thank goodness, but I sure do have some kickin’ new cowboy boots now!ย Very first ones I’ve ever tried on too – it was a match made in heaven :)ย And again, noooooo previous plans to pick ’em up or anything. It was one of those “in the moment” things where we were experiencing Texas and I had the sudden urge to follow in my dad’s footsteps. Haha… he loves to wear ’em around the house and torment my mom who thinks they’re hideous ;)ย The only problem right now is that it’s too hot to wear them since I can’t put on jeans in this weather! Arghhhh…
Opportunity #2:ย The chance of being a weirdo runner!ย Or Tim Ferriss ;) That’s right, I’m the new owner of Vibram FiveFingers too!! Which I actually HAVE been curious about ever since Mr. Ferriss has been on the road show pimpin’ them out, but I couldn’t ever swallow the $100+ price tag.ย So when I happened across a $69.00 sale with NO sales tax (we were on a military base – w00t!) I snagged them right up!ย Which is funny because they’re the complete opposite of the cowboy boots I previously picked up the day before ;) (If you’re not familiar w/ what these are, click here.ย They’re pretty much gloves for your feet which are supposedly healthier for you to walk or run in.)
Again, not the most practical use of my money when you look at that needs vs. wants scale we’re all used to abiding by, but you better believe I’m gonna strut the crap outta them! :) And that’s exactly why you have those “Do whatever the hell you want” accounts set up anyways. To splurge and not feel guilty about it! Not saying it always works out that way – most of us are built to feel bad cuz we’re always in save-save-save mode – BUT I’m a firm believer in allowing yourself to let loose every now and again and enjoy life a little more. If you don’t abuse it you’ll retire just as happily! If not more!
Now, who wants to tell me about THEIR most expensive shoes they’ve ever bought? ;)
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$110 for running shoes is probably the most I’ve spent. Several years ago I developed shin splints while running, kept running on them (I know, stupid) and it ended up so bad that walking was painful. So I went to a specialty running store where they did the whole stride analysis thing and set me up with a pair of shoes that were like magic and insoles that were a miracle (along with an icing and stretching regimen). I’ve since found the same shoes for as low as $50, but the $110 was totally worth it to make the pain go away.
supposedly the only reason we (humans) need to wear shoes is because we wear shoes all the time. If you walk around bare foot your posture will get better and your feet will be healthier.
Those shoes look like a good first step (pun ouch).
Plus their fun to walk around in water with!
I’ve bought lots of expensive shoes in my day. Most recently, I bought a pair of awesome boots that were about 200 euro. I wore them ALL the time this winter and love them! Worth the money in my opinion. Probably the most humorous time I bought expensive shoes was about 5 or 6 years ago. I had just gotten home from the hospital and I was all doped up on brain altering pain meds and ordered the cutest pair of shoes. When I got them, it was a complete surprise! I didn’t remember ordering them and I certainly wouldn’t have paid $86 for them! Oh well, I ended up wearing them all the time and laughed about it a lot. Right now I’m in Australia in winter and will likely have to pay for a pair of comfortable walking shoes. It’s about 45-50 degrees out and I forgot to change into my tennis shoes before leaving for the airport. I’m here with 3 pair of sandals and 1 pair of ballet flats. Great planning on my part!
As lame as it sounds, the most expensive pair of shoes I have purchased were cleats. This year I sucked it up and purchased some Adidas Copas. Everyone I know who has them loves them and they all say they will last for years.
Other than that I pretty much buy middle of the road running shoes (mostly for walking) that happen to look nice and are on sale.
My wife has a pair of those 5 finges and loves them. She says running in them took a little getting used to (which is why the salesman said to start slow since you have to relearn how to run). Let us know how you like yours!
#1 who say you have to wear the boots with jeans? You can wear them around the house w/ just your undies on. I am sure Mrs J. Money will appreciate that. =)
#2 any running shoes is worth their money if you can use them for running, because it will give you back so much more. I am not saying that more expensive running shoes are better, it just has to be the right shoes whatever the cost AND you have to use them, for running/walking.
I have spent about $110 for a pair of running shoes, and would spend up to $200 for a pair of dress shoes if I can walk 8hrs in them without my feet hurting. I am considering the 5 fingers.
My most expensive “shoes” were for my horribly flat feet. I had to go to the podiatrist and get $400 inserts to put in my shoes so my ankles would stop killing me.
Unfortunately I live in FL, so its like 100 degrees in the shade and I run around in flip flops most of the time. Whoopsie.
Actually they were a pair of Jordans that had just come out… bought them for the guy I was with. Urban guys and their Jordans… smh.
i’ve been waiting til the bills clear up to get a pair of Vibrams.
thats funny I almost purchased the same exact pair of five fingers a few weeks ago. But apparently they aren’t designed well enough for the shape of my feet. Since I still wanted that minimalist feeling for my feet i chose a different vibram pair of shoes that dont have toe holes. They take a bit of time to adjust too, i do not recommend you go right out and run in them, just a heads-up :)
The most expensive shoes I OWN are completely different from the ones I bought. My mom sometimes calls to ask me if I “want” anything. It’s like some kind of treat for being financially responsible and never actually asking her for money. Well, I did WANT a pair of $400 Frye boots so I asked for them – I LOVE them and they will last FOREVER so I don’t feel too guilty about the price tag. Best purchase ever made.
The most expensive pair I’ve bought myself was probably around $100. I am a shoe whore and I buy all of my shoes @ Nordstrom or Nordstrom Rack. I cannot stand cheaply made shoes especially because I have freakishly high arches. I am always looking for a beautiful comfortable shoe – and I will splurge. My clothes all come from Old Navy/Target/Kohls and discount stores – if the accessories look good the clothes will by default :)
So, I usta be a HUGE Sex and the City fan in law school. I thought that to get a job at a “nice” law firm, my shoe game had to be excellent (despite my grades)! So in school I purchased a pair of patent leather Mary Jane Manolo Blahnik for $595. Sad thing about it is, I wore them only once to the interview for a job I did not get. Now, 100+ pounds later, I can no longer wear the shoes. The only thing I can say, to some redemption, I looked on Neiman Marcus and apparently, my shoes now sell for $645. Talk about Stupid Tax!
I love my VFFs. I consider them office-wear. :)
I alternate between those and my big-ass biker boots.
@LaToya since the price of the same shoes have gone up. Maybe you can sell them on ebay or recoup some cost? I know some LV pieces are like that where afte a few years, the price actaully goes up.
Okay, J–I know I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again…holy hell those are some cowboy boots! I expect you to rock ’em if/when you come out to CO, and I’ll whip mine out too!
Most expensive shoes: a vintage reproduction brand called Remix. They do reproduction 1940’s wedge shoes for women and are all leather. Average pair is about $150 and I own 3 pairs. THE MOST COMFORTABLE shoe I’ve ever warn and super easy to dance in. In fact, as a baby present to myself: I plan on buying these: http://remixvintageshoes.com/paseo.html OH SNAP! those are $178! Oh well…
I generally always splurge on a good pair of running shoes. And if I can find some with a bit of flare that makes them “brandi shoes” then I have no problem throwing down the money.
The shoes I bought for my first 1/2 marathon training were upwards of $150!! They were Nike+ shoes and I got to pick all the color schemes and even have inspirational words put on them.
I was a TOTAL running nerd. But I still have them :)
WHY Trinnie, WHY would you do this to me! <3 the Remix shoes…keeping web page bookmarked for Birthday requests from the manfriend :)
Great site!
I just learned more about the Vibram FiveFingers because I’ve been reading the Primal Blueprint and he talks about them. I go barefoot 99% of the time, the only time I wear shoes is when I’m going to the grocery store or driving, so now I am wondering if the toe shoes (like toe socks!) would be a good buy for me. Your good sale price does make me miss living on base, the BX always had awesome prices for everything. Please do update us on how they work out for you!
Oh, and to answer the question, I hate spending money on myself, so the most expensive shoes I’ve ever bought were probably around 30 bucks. Usually I buy Wal-mart $12 Earth Shoes sandals.
I am a Payless girl myself, but then I found out that Crocs really were as comfortable as everybody said AND they started making shoes that didn’t look like they belonged on clowns! I waited until they had a BOGO free sale online and spent like $120 on 4 pairs of Crocs – I now own the leather work flat (they really do just look like leather shoes), a basic closed-toed sandal, some dressy black and white pumps, and a tennis-pair looking shoe that actually sucked but I was too lazy to return…
I bought my most expensive pair of shoes last Thursday – $110 for sweet work shoes. After some internet searching to find out what they actually are called, they are Sperry Topsider Gold Lux Center Seam Ox. All I know is they look good and professional and feel like I’m putting my feet into pillows. I am not someone who likes to spend more than $50 on shoes, whether sneakers, running, cleats, whatever. But these I love (though I guess I’m still in the “honeymoon” phase).
I love my VFFs. They’ve been going strong for nearly two years. I find them to be particularly attractive with skinny jeans. Ask my roommate how they REALLY look. :)
My most expensive shoes are a gorgeous pair of heals from Bloomies that I impulse purchased. Whoops. Incidentally, I have been known to wear the VFFs and the heels with the same pair of skinny jeans on the same day. So…I’m saving money on pants, right?
The most expensive shoes I own and have purchased are golf shoes for about $100. It is important to have a good fit and that they are waterproof. I love the cowboy boots. I haven’t worn any since college when my wife objected to them. I don’t think I could get away with it now. I would feel weird wearing the toe shoes. I can’t stand the toe socks. Gives me the willies.
Nice shoes! Both. I usually pay right under $75 for my running shoes. For my high heels, I pay under $50. I have a method for buying shoes. I love high heels but will never pay full price. I usually visit my shoes, wait for a sale and/or tack on a flyer coupon (like from Macys), then I most always have a gift card, so I will end up paying like $25. Oh and let’s not forget asking for a discount..lol. Then at my Ross, I can usually find a hot designer shoes for like $39.
@Erin–OMG once you get 1 pair of Remix, trust me…you’ll never go back! AND THEY LAST FOREVER!
The most expensive shoes I own are cowboy boots at $115, but I used my dads discount and they were actually about $240. I wear them about once a week and usually to work on Friday’s, so I get pretty good use of them even in the Texas heat.
You can wear the cowboy boots with jean shorts, Daisy Duke style. hahaha. :)
Nice shoes!
PS: My boots cost around $200 when all was said and done. $170 for the shoes, and $20 for all sorts of oils (Apparently I like boots w/ scales on them! That whitesh part is Python!!).
@No Debt MBA – Ouch! Def. worth the money though – glad you found something that worked!
@Rachel – That’s what I’m hoping for! Although I’m kinda afraid I’ll get used to them so much that I can’t go back to any *normal* shoes, haha… but first we’ll how I feel after a week or two ;)
@CityFlips – Hahahhahaa.. that is too funny! I love it when people buy things drunk and/or med’d up :) At least you got the right size and now have the story to tell! Crazy it’s Winter over there too – reminds me of the time I went to England during Spring Break and showed up in a wife beater when it was snowing out!!! You and I are one in the same, my friend ;)
@Brian – Oh yeah, I’m gonna use them for walking mainly and then occasionally run just to see what happens (I’m not a big runner). I hear ya on the cleats though – those are important! I used to rock some pretty cheapo ones and my feet killed all the time. Last year I upgraded both my soccer AND football ones, and it’s made a world of a difference. Still only plopping down $40-$50 for them, but for now I’m in heaven… If I ever get called-up to the nationals, I’ll be sure to splurge more ;)
@LLF – HAH!! She would like that – but probably only to snap pics and put them on Facebook ;) And very true – there are certain items worth spending money on, and I believe shoes are in there… even though I rarely go over $50 (obviously not this time! haha…) If you end up getting the Vibrams, keep me posted :)
@Rachel211 – WOAH $400? That sucks, I’m sorry :( Hopefully they work real well though!
@Ginger B @ Ask the IRS B*tch – Haha… all my urban friends do the same ;) I always wanted to in middle school, but sadly my mother’s budget for them were only $20… not gonna get you far in that department!
@Kyle – Oh really? Vibrams w/out the toes? Interesting… didn’t know they had that option. Though I did want the whole “experience” so I’d probably have stuck to these guys anyways. I’m looking forward to my first “what the hell are those?” Haha…
@Erin – Hah! I’ve never heard of that theory before – I like it ;) And I bet you’re so right on that!! I think my mom would faint if she even SAW a pair of shoes w/ that pricetag on it, nonetheless every buy it for anyone. You should have seen the look when I told her my boots were $200 ;)
@LaToya – Woah!! Yeah you should totally try selling them and see what you can get off ’em. It’s kinda like an investment! :)
@Jason@LiveRealNow – Haha, nice extremes :) I can get away w/ wearing ’em at my office too! Haha… would look normal in my pajamas.
@Trinnie – Sexy!!!! Those are hot, yo! You’ve got some great style :) You better beleive I’ll be bringing mine if I can make it out there for that event!!! Gotta go all out, sista!
@Brandi – Cool! I’d love to put words on my shoes. Or just letters – “J$” Haha…
@Erin – Haha, you’re in trouble now ;)
@Miriam – I sure will! The do seem right up your ally, huh? I’m impressed so far :)
@Crystal – Haha, I refused for YEARS to get myself some Crocs but I caved in too the other Summer ;) Although I went 2 years never wearing them! haha… it wansn’t until I started working from home when I realized how comfy and practical they were. Now I just throw them on when walking around the house or going outside to get the mail/etc. They’re too bright for me to wear for real outside, but they’re def. awewsome! (And I got them for only liek $18 at an outlet – Woop!)
@Matt – Haha there you go! I know a lot of *ahem* older people who love Sperrys ;) You don’t hear many people talking much about ’em these days (or at least in my crowd of friends) but growing up everyone was raving about them. Maybe you can bring ’em back!!
@Walnut – HAH!!! Love it. I can see those workin’ well with skinny jeans. Heels are DEF hot w/ them though for sure – us guys absoutely LOVE that look ;)
@cashflowmantra – Haha, it took me FOREVER to get my pinky toe in them too! I’m hoping they get used to them or else it’s gonna suck…. I also don’t have 10 mins to move that toe in its proper spot every time I put them on! :)
@bleu – Smart lady ;) I wish TJ Maxx had guys shoes, they’re only ever women’s IF they carry shoes to begin with. Can’t find a Ross around here, though they’re usually way more messier than Maxx anyways… gives me the creeps, haha…
@Tim – There you go!!! A nice treat for you every week, that’s awesome. I picked up mine in Dallas last week and was then noticing them on everryyyyyyyone :) Esp at the airport!
@retirebyforty – Haha… Halloween IS coming up in a few months! ;)
I’m more of a Vans and Airwalks kinda chick (95% percent of the time) and those usually only cost me around 40-50 bucks. I actually wear them ’till their dead, I’ve been going on 4 years with one pair and they still look/work good. The other 5% I usually just wear some comfy sandals, paid 50 bucks for these hot Sketcher’s sandals that go w/ everything. My Nike’s we’re on sale for like 60 bucks, so I guess that’s the most I’ve personally ever spent on shoes.
I used to wear the $hit out of those toe socks, like daily. Remembering how comfy those were has made me keep an eye on those nifty running shoes. I wouldn’t so much care about the price since it’s something that could be good for me—and fun.
I love my vibram five finger shoes! I have a lot of stability problems (I tend to tip over entirely or flip my ankles) and these shoes are fantastic for that. I’m just bummed I can’t wear them to work.
All of my shoes tend to be pretty expensive, though I buy very few pairs (at the moment, I have a pair of summer work shoes, a pair of winter work shoes, casual clogs, flip flops for when my feet are angry at me, and snow boots). I just spent $150 on the summer work shoes.
I hate spending that much on shoes, but I’ve had almost a million dollars of foot surgery, so I tell myself buying expensive shoes that help prevent more surgery is worth it.
Best investment I’ve ever made are my Vibram shoes, period. I no longer have any of the little aches and pains that I had back in the day with my regular running shoes. There was a steep learning curve though, getting used to running on the balls of my feet instead of landing on my heel like I had been doing in my ultra-cushioned running shoes. For a long time there I couldn’t run half as far as I used to be able to because my calves would get so sore… now I’m pretty far past where I used to be.
J$, I just want you to know that’s perfectly fine to splurge. As long as you don’t jeopardize your financial priorities. You should know in my book, Moneylicious, I encourage splurging!
Just bought a pair of Tom’s canvas wedges for $70ish :)
Love my VFF’s and the conversations with strangers about the shoes. I bought mostly black ones to give me a more gorilla look, though.
While they were my highest priced shoes for awhile (at $86), I think I may splurge on the Merrell barefoot shoes. They have the Vibram sole but don’t have the toes.
And the cowboy boots just plain and simply rock!
So those boots were $200+? My husband loves them and wants to know the details, like brand, name of style etc. LOL. Thanks a lot ;) As far as the Five Finger monkey shoes, we think they are cool-looking. We ordered a pair for each of us after seeing them on a couple of people, but they did not work for our wide feet :( I think you and my husband would get along well – he likes your sense of style. Also, just showed him the LoveDrop video with your mohawk. Wondering if you use got2be hair glue!
Funny choices of shoes! I don’t understand why anyone wants cowboy boots, except those who wear them say they are very comfortable. The only time I see anyone in CO wearing them is during the Stock Show every January.
You will have to review the five finger shoes after you have had them awhile. I like running completely barefoot when I am able to, but don’t like cutting my feet.
Most expensive pair was probably $100 for doc martens, as of right now probably 40 something for a pair of Crocs boots. (The bad part about living in CO Crocs are cheaper than their website if you know where the warehouse sales are)
LB, I’m laughing :) I’m in Michigan and I own 2 pairs of cowboy boots and they are all the manfriend wears. $200 is a relatively good deal for cowboy boots. The cheapest ones you can get are usually $50 and are mostly, if not completely synthetic (although you can find leather ones under $100 every once in a while). Granted, we live on a farm with 4 horses and a bunch of animals, so cowboy boots make sense.
I think they’re also a great way for short guys to get away with wearing a heeled shoe to give them a little height. Less creepy than the Tom Cruise/Sylvester Stallone lifts. I love the ones J$ got, but I’m DYING for a pair of Old Gringos myself – but this http://www.oldgringoboots.com/old-gringo-ladies-boots.php is not happening for a while…Savings Account, SAVINGS ACCOUNT! Must save…Gah :)
Ya know what .. I’m getting tired of people apologizing for taking care of their feet. For some reason, there’s some shame involved with spending money on GOOD quality shoes and I just don’t understand that. Your feet support you, carry your body around, walk all day every day. And yet, the idea of spending money on good shoes to make sure your feet are healthy is something people feel the need to apologize for!
I think that dropping $$$$$ on good shoes, whether they’re cowboy boots, runners, vibrams, or any other shoe, is a good use of your money.
Cheap shoes are a false economy when they lead you to doctors, fallen arches, plantar fasciitis, and other ills, years later.
I’ll say my most expensive shoes are Tory Burch flats for 200.00, but since I didn’t actually pay full price (less than 100.00). Not sure if those count.
Those boots are viciously unattractive…but I still like you.
Oh yeah – the most expensive shoes I’ve bought were my barn red Bern Birkenstocks. Actually, my husband bought them for me last Valentine’s Day. I told you we assign events to expensive purchases. Haha. I think they were $130, no shipping or tax via Amazon. I LOVE them.
Back in my line dancing days, I owned about 4 pair of cowboy boots. The most expensive pair were white leather with fringe… http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=WHITE+cowboy+boots+with+fringe&view=detail&id=39AC13E3617F9994A27BDFC233E06C0B6C9DFD00&first=31&FORM=IDFRIR They cost around $179
Have no clue where they are…must have gotten rid of them years ago.
@kh – you are so right! I’ve come to the point where I cannot wear crappy shoes anymore and have been buying Easy Spirit. Well, the ‘good’ shoes that I paid $80 for hurt my feet worse than the cheap ones! Since they’re leather, they felt fine until they started stretching & now my feet slide around in them. Their return policy is 30 days, period! Won’t even give you store credit with a receipt if it’s after 30 days.
Suffice it to say that I won’t be buying any more shoes from them.
Nice boots J. But watch the five finger things – Tim may like them but I tried and ended up damaged (true I do long distance running). Problem was that I was pronating slightly in which case bare foot running of any sort is out of the question; more like triple support running I am doing at the moment.
A good pair of shoes will last half of forever. My father is still wearing his cowboy books he bought 20 years ago. (the store he bought them from went out of business 15 years ago).
As far as the barefoot shoes, they look interesting, but there is never going to be a pair that fits by flintstone feet. Between the fat big toe, the gap in-between the big toe and 2nd toe, the raised pinkie toe, and the flat side of my foot the shoes that fit best are the ones that just give the front half of my foot as much space as possible.
LOVE LOVE LOVE the cowboy boots! Don’t forget if you ever get a horse you’ve got a follower on your blog who exercises horses!!!! lol. Nice boots though-seriously!
@Jen @ Master the Art of Saving – Airwalks! Forgot about those!!! Used to always want a pair when I was young :) Never got a chance…
@Becca – Woah! A millions dollars?? On feet? I’m afraid to ask :(
@Ross @ Go Be Rich – Really?? That’s what I like to hear! I don’t run much anyways, but I just do want to feel good walking around in general :) Thanks man… looking forward to having better techniques.
@Ornella – Yeah girl! Huge fan of splurging when it’s financially okay to do so :) Looking forward to your book coming out.
@Jenna, Adaptu Community Manager – Ooooh that’s another type of shoe I really wanna try out soon. Absolutely LOVE what Toms is about!! Did you see him speak at SXSW?? Freakin’ incredible. I had tears rolling down my face after 15 seconds… brilliant, brilliant, concept.
@Brian – Haha, thanks man. My dad actually tried to convince me to get the Merrells too but I told him I wanted to experience all that came w/ the toe shoes first ;) Then I can allow myself to cheat and go w/ the more normal looking shoes, haha… rock n’ roll!
@Yana – Hah! Well I love your husband already :)
My boots: $169 (Almost $200 with tax and products to keep ’em purty and all that) — Larry Mahan Mens Natural Python Snake with Black Exotic Western Boots
My spikey hair: I use Salon Grafix – “Unscented” #8 (Though #9 works the best if you can stand the smell ;) It practically freezes your hair as soon as you spray it!)
@LB – Haha, I thought the exact same thing actually until I started trying them on! It’s crazy to believe, but cowboy boots CAN be comfortable! I tried on a lot which weren’t, but the one I ended up with is totally comfy… and there’s something about the big heel and making you taller that feels good too – more manly like. I’m pretty surprised I’m sitting here typing this actually – I would have laughed in your face if you told me I’d spend almost $200 on a pair!
@Erin – HAH! You read my mind :)(look at above response) And those boots are HOT you just linked to! Wowwwwww…. I don’t know how much they cost, but it sure would be something fun to save up for!
@kh – Huh… I guess you do kinda have a point there – never thought of it like that. I guess it’s just that we can usually find shoes much cheaper that seems comfortable anyways, so it doesn’t make much sense to splurge and pick up something 4 or 5 or even 10 times more expensive if we don’t have to. And we all know there are certain $500-$700 shoes that’s all for looks and brand – certainly not helpful in the foot-health category ;) But yeah, I’ll agree it’s super important to keep your feet happy.
@Quizshow – Haha… well at least you’re honest! :)
@Kathy – Those DO look like dancing boots! haha… oddly enough I didn’t come across any like that while shopping at the store over the weekend… then again, they are kinda girly ;)
@MariaN – Yes, I’ll be sure to be careful! Since I don’t run much anyways, hopefully I won’t get too hurt going on my daily walks :)
@Edward Antrobus – Haha…. time to customize them like Shaq! :)
@Cat – THANKS!!! I won’t ever get tired of hearing that! :)
Thanks for the info – but “Sorry, California state law prohibits the sale of python.”! We will still enjoy checking out all the stuff at the site, though. As well as the hair product :P
My Frye Boots are the most expensive shoes I own and I bought them on sale for $165, I think. But, I love them and still wear ’em years later. So, seems worth it to me!
@Yana – Woah, really?? It is actually kinda weird having snake on your shoes… the more that I think about it, the more I hope they were already dead before making them into boots!! :(
@Leigh – Seems worth it to me too! Not sure what Frye boots are, but gonna go google now :) Hope you had fun while in the States!!
@J$ – NO! I wanted too! I hope I get to meet him sometime in my lifetime.
$700 for a pair of $2,400 Gucci Aligator Loafers
Just have to share my latest shoe find – I wore these when I was a teenager, which was a few years ago ;) These are not really like the originals, as they were saddle leather only back then, but I am just tickled that I can still wear them –
They won’t break the bank, but give a real “vintage” feeling :D
@Jenna, Adaptu Community Manager – It’s a treat, I hope you do :)
@Mistress Susan – WOW. Helluva bargain but WOW!
@Yana – Cool! They look comfy :)