The Budgets are Sexy Rap – our new theme song!

Budgets are Sexy Rap!Budgets are Sexy now has an official theme song…and it’s a Rap! (did you doubt?) This all started when we had a rap off between Credit Goddess & BP last week for the personal finance crown. We never declared a winner, but it’s safe to say they both spit the maddest rhymes and legitimately shared the glory!

But more importantly, this proves that personal finance CAN be fun – which is why I got into this in the first place :) So while I didn’t produce this new theme song myself, it marks a proud accomplishment for this blog, and gives me great hope for further education! And with that, I present to you the slickest beats this side of the Mississippi – courtesy of my boy D. Ninja over at

(if the player doesn’t show up, click here to listen)

“Budgets Are Sexy Rap” Lyrics:

(Welcome to the Budgets are Sexy rap…
Brought to you by your boy at Punch Debt in the Face…
Punch Debt in the…in the…in the…)

Shout outz to the peeps who find themselves in a mess
Listen’ up now, out my mouth comes the hotness
Rapping about money can be a lengthy process
But with my lyrical flow, P.F. is what I address

Budgets are $exy is the name of this website
Go ahead and look around this is your invite
J. Money be blogging every morning, day, and night
If you follow his teachings you’ll end up all right

A flow about money is what you’re sure to get
follow these three rules to help evade debt
spend less then you make, avoid using credit
and you’d be a fool not to save for retirement

Budgets are $exy is for the simple man
No need for big words, just a clear-cut game plan
My path to debt freedom this is where it all began
Forever I remain a sexy budget fan

He’s a baller shot caller making graphics and displays
Posting up fun little pictures each and every day
Using art in the message he plans to convey
J. Money’s musings are like a finance buffet

The name of the game is personal finance
Making love with money is my favorite kind of romance
To fight off nasty debt one needs to take a strong stance
Follow J’s advice and your bank account should enhance

(This has been a Punch Debt in the Face production…
Budgets are Sexy baby……..haHAAH!)

Thank you all for your continued support! And mad ups again to Punch Debt in the Face for making this white boy’s dream come true :) Let’s continue speaking the good word, and having fun with this stuff…

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  1. Chad Smith April 30, 2010 at 6:05 PM

    I just stumbled on your site a few weeks ago, but I’ve enjoyed catching up on your musings during that time. This rap is hilarious! I, like you, still have a love for hip-hop music that just won’t fade away. Btw the “Making love with money is my favorite kind of romance” line certifies this song as the jam. Nice production work D. Ninja.

  2. J. Money May 4, 2010 at 11:24 AM

    Haha, yeah dude – Ninja did a GREAT job with this ;) Unfortunately the rest of the comments here got wiped away during our WordPress conversion, but there was a lot of love flowing on it! hip hop + finance = awesomeness. Esp when your name is referenced ;)

  3. Kate Horrell February 26, 2013 at 9:39 AM

    How in the heck did I ever miss this? Pure awesome.

  4. J. Money February 27, 2013 at 4:11 PM

    Glad you agree! It’s been a while since I’ve listened to it – gonna put it on full blast right now to remind myself of it’s goodness :)