Spent $100 in 20 Minutes Yesterday.

shoes & jeansRemember how I mentioned not putting yourself into situations last week?

Well, I didn’t listen to myself and I came out of the mall $100 poorer last night ;)  But in my defense I got some really great stuff! (see picture)  And plus, it just felt damn GOOD. I can’t tell you the last time I was in that mall and I’ve missed the hustle and bustle there. Also, I feel like I’ve written this post before. Haha…

But here’s the thing.  I’m getting better at *knowing* what I want, and making faster more efficient decisions around that.  I’m no longer that wandering buffoon who just walks into stores LOOKING for stuff to buy for the fun of it.  No siree, now I shop with a mission. And when I lock my eyes on something worthy, I snatch it up like it’s the last one ever produced! But you can’t do any of that without understanding your budget and limitations.

I’ve mentioned it before, but the budget REALLY does give you confidence. If you know how much “you’re allowed” to spend every week (or month) you can make these types of decisions much faster.  I know I can’t spend $100 on clothes every single week, but I know I can every 2-3 if I really wanted to.   And these days since I’m hardly away from the computer, I gotta snatch up those goodies at the stores while I can!  Esp if it’s going to be another 6 months until I step foot into the mall again ;)

So while I did drop $100 all likity split like that, it was only made possible  due to that eagle eye on my finances.  I’m not saying you have to account for every single penny coming and going (although some people prefer this.  me, I just get bored to death!) but having a good general feeling can really go a long way when it comes to managing those shopping trips. If you can get into the habit now, your life will be a lot more easier every year that passes.  And then you, too, can blow through $100 bones without second thought ;)

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  1. Kevin @ Thousandaire.com November 15, 2010 at 9:26 AM

    I agree 100%. The point of a budget is not to stop yourself from ever spending money; it’s to make sure the money you spend is worth it.

  2. Monique November 15, 2010 at 9:36 AM

    The best thing I ever did was give myself budgets for entertainment, shopping, etc. It’s kept me in line so I don’t feel guilty spending. You slipped up, just make sure you don’t next time. :)

  3. Philip November 15, 2010 at 12:10 PM

    I realized this weekend that my shoes might be looking a little worn. Thinking about it I have not purchases tennis shoes to wear regularly (i.e. no running shoes or flip flops) in over 4 years! Guess I am not blowing the budget on those shoes at least!

    I am the opposite and hate going to the mall or stores to shop for any clothing type item, so it is easy to keep that part of the budget very low.

  4. Jessica07 November 15, 2010 at 12:52 PM

    I think your right about how allowing yourself to spend really makes budgeting easier. For me, it seems like if I know I can, it takes the want away from a lot of different items. If I know I’ll allow myself the same amount to spend next week, I’m quicker to pass it up, knowing if I still want it, I can get it next time. Otherwise, it’s like a binge-eater who’s starved themselves for three weeks. Once you finally decide to eat, you’re naturally going to gorge yourself.

  5. Briana @ GBR November 15, 2010 at 2:02 PM

    Sometimes you just have to splurge a little! No harm in that, as long as the rest of your finances are in order. Good finds/buys!

  6. Molly On Money November 15, 2010 at 4:23 PM

    I learned my lesson last week. I’m not buying any clothes for one year (don’t ask- my husband convinced me it was a good idea in a moment of weakness). I do need running shoes though! I purchased a pair a bit different from my regular wonderful amazing shoes (a mere $140) that make me float because they were ‘only’ $100. I ran 1 mile and my feet were going numb. I returned them promptly and got the $140 pair. And yes, I am back to floating while I run!

  7. Nick November 15, 2010 at 7:36 PM

    Totally agree. I budget to spend less than my take home (the rest goes to savings directly so I never see it). I also budget an additional amount for savings. That way I can “spend the heck” out of the rest of the money and still be right on track. So I try to look at my budget as an amount “to spend” rather than telling me “not to spend.” Sometimes I still end up with money left over at the end of the month and that’s fine. Other times I’m right at the edge and feel like I had a good (and enjoyable) month!

  8. Donna Freedman November 15, 2010 at 8:48 PM

    Next time you feel like that, buy something for ME. That way it’s a gift and a kindness and it doesn’t count. :-)

  9. Brucebucks November 15, 2010 at 11:30 PM

    I personally like the new kicks. Those are sweet. I agree that Budgets give you confidence! A budget puts you in control of your money, and you can now determine where it goes. Thanks for the reminder.

  10. Jaime November 16, 2010 at 3:08 AM

    You have style :)

  11. J. Money November 16, 2010 at 10:12 AM

    @Kevin @ Thousandaire.com – Ooooh I’m SO stealing that quote ;)
    @Monique – Hey now, who said I slipped up ;) It’s still within my clothing budget! I just went through most of it in one hour, haha…
    @Philip – Do you want to borrow one of my 12 pairs? haha…
    @Jessica07 – Haha, I like that. Very true too – just KNOWING you can buy something makes me feel a helluva lot better.
    @Briana @ GBR – Thank you kindly ;)
    @Molly On Money – Woah, $140 is no joke! Thanks for making me feel better ;)
    @Nick – That’s a GREAT idea! Parting money to SPEND over SAVE…hmm… i’m writing that down to write about later, thanks!
    @Donna Freedman – That’s what Love Drop is for ;)
    @Brucebucks – Thanks! Although so far they look much better than they feel… grrrr
    @Jaime – Thanks! :)

  12. Kim November 24, 2010 at 10:38 AM

    I don’t know where you are in the country, but $100 for 2 items in a mall that could easily have cost you double ($70 jeans at Gap, $120 shoes at Foot Locker) – not bad! It shows that you thought about it even though it was a splurge.

  13. J. Money November 26, 2010 at 1:12 PM

    haha yup! in washington DC area so def. familiar w/ those costs ;)